Cooloola Great Walk – Day Three

Dutgee Walkers Camp to Littoria Walkers Camp – 15km

“Short and sweet”

Remember how I said that I was really enjoying sleeping with the tent fly off?  Well that ended at about 2am this morning with the pitter patter of rain dropping onto my sleeping bag.  Thankfully, not too heavy.

I could tell I was first out of camp this morning because the track was spanned by hundreds of fine spun, shimmering spider webs.  The rain last night had caused a delicious mist to hover over the dew sparkling plain.

Yellow brick road

I turned a corner and stopped dead in my tracks.  Colour, as far as the eye could see.  Yellows, pinks and whites.  The white trunks of the paperbarks shining off in the distance.  Misty tentacles gracefully rising into the air.  My eyes teared with the beauty.  The privilege of being the one and only person to see that beautiful sight at that moment.  Its why you hike…for these moments.  Moments that take hard work and effort.  But moments that are yours and yours alone.

Have to put the hard yards in to see this beautiful field

Eventually I ripped my eyes away and got moving.

It was an easy day of walking.  Short distance.  Moderate hills.  Although I had promised I would take it easy, once I had that pack on and the sticks in my hands, I just wanted to go.  So go, I did.  I arrived in camp around 11.30am.  Job done

Done already!