Day 21 – Go Cart Camp to Beetaloo Camp – 20.68km

Total Distance – 379km

A Heysen Trail Story

The day started like a champ. I had my best sleep yet in my cosy, little coccoon of a sleeping bag. So I woke a little later than usual, to find a much welcome surprise. No condensation all over my tent. The slight wind and upper elevation must have kept it at bay. So no packing up a sopping wet, heavy tent. No strapping it to the outside of the pack. No finding time during the day to try and dry it out. Dry tent equals happy Mel. And I was very, very cheery.

Now the walk. Honestly. It wasn’t my favourite day. Firstly the good stuff. Navigation was incredibly easy. Basically follow the stony road. If ever you are not sure where to go, look for the closest, biggest hill and you will spot the track. Easy.

Look for the biggest hill!

I know some people really get into chasing bigger and bigger hills. But that’s just not my favourite style of walking. The track itself was quite nice. Bushland recovering from a fire. Lots of Acacia ligulata and witchetty bush, most of it not in bloom yet. Unfortunately it also means very little shade or old logs to sit on to take a break. That’s if you could find a spot without ants! I got bitten 3 times just taking a standing rest on the track. Little buggers!

That’s not to say it was all bad. Lovely views off to both the left and the right again when the bushland cleared a little bit. But mainly the day was about gritting the teeth and grinding up and down those hills. My brother had offered me a suggestion a couple of days ago. That when times were tough I could always say to myself “Remember the Cant”. I tried it several times. Unfortunately, it didn’t really help. I’m not sure why. It really did seem like legit advice.

View to the right

Beetaloo camp currently doesn’t have any watertank, which meant hauling extra reserves. I’m glad I did though. It was a really thirsty, hard work sort of day. Hopefully I get another good sleep tonight and then a mammoth day tomorrow to get into Crystal Brook, where I will be very happily taking an extra rest day. And a pub meal or two, of course.

Sunset near camp

4 thoughts on “Day 21 – Go Cart Camp to Beetaloo Camp – 20.68km”

  1. Ha ha ha – I Remember The Cant! Those nasty Martians! Good advice from Geoff, but, I must admit, I don’t clearly see the relevance to your situation. Have a good night beltaloder. xxxxxxx

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