Day 30 – Hallett to Old Mt Bryan East School Hut – 18.7km

Total Distance – 553.3km

A Heysen Trail Story

“I’m the king of the world!!!!  Ahaha!”

Message to my support crew from the summit of Mt Bryan

It’s amazing the difference a day can make.  A good sleep.  Yesterday, I was probably feeling the lowest I’ve felt on the entire walk.  Physically tired.  I’m not sure of the reason, but can only assume a combination of distance traveled, lack of sleep, a little bit of stress, and general repetitiveness in my activities.

But today.  Today I felt just wonderful.  Totally recovered physically.  Totally positive mentally.  Like I’ve kicked into a new gear at just the right moment.  And I feel great again!

I started the morning with an extra long lie in and simple breakfast at the pub.  I thanked the owners for their hospitality and set off.

The first challenge was to successfully negotiate “magpie alley”.  A road walk lined with magnificant old eucalypts.  Prime real estate for these parents of the year contenders.  I strutted along, one walking pole being useful on the ground, and one walking pole being useful in the air.  Waving about above my head.  They really are ferocious little creatures when they want to be.

Turning off the road, a little creek walk led into the climb to Mt Bryan.  Tallest point in the Lofty Ranges.  How I reveled in that climb.  I had an absolute ball.  I’m not sure what made this so.  The crazy wind.  The sun shining.  The change in scenery.  The amazing views back to where I had been, up at the Trig, just a couple of nights ago.  The vast green and brown vista moving forwards.  How physically capable I felt.

Creek walk towards the mountains
Track towards the mountains
Starting to climb
Rocky views
Over in the distance is the windfarm I wandered through
There’s the Mt Bryan summit.

A combination of all those things probably.  When I reached the top there was no mixed emotion at all.  Just pure, unadulterated joy.  I wish I could bottle that feeling.


It was incredibly windy at the top, so I didn’t stay long, proceeding to move down the steep, rocky slope to the bottom.  I met somebody going northbound on the way down.  Full of light and smiles I asked him how his walk was going.  “I’m hating it!” he replied.  “I hate the Heysen!”.  I wasn’t really sure what to say.  We made a bit more small talk and went our separate ways.

I’ve thought a lot about that meeting in the hours since.  Wondered whether he was just having a bad day, much like I did yesterday.  Or whether he was really not enjoying it.  I’m the first one to admit, I’ve had some challenging days to be sure.  But essentially, it’s those days that really remind you to enjoy the good ones.  That allow you to feel the full range of emotions.  Allow you to become resilient on those bad days and joyous on the good.  I honestly hope that the walk becomes a little brighter for that fellow in the coming weeks.

A mountain of red in a sea of green
Top notch view
Track to the bottom

And now I’m sitting in the old Mt Bryan school which has been converted to hut style accommodation for walkers.  It’s a very swanky one, with two separate sleeping rooms, kitchen and lounge area.  It is blowing an absolute gale outside, so once again, I feel incredibly grateful for the security that these old walls provide.

Shades of white on the way to the hut
The hut! With a very special sign out the front!

And.  Ta da!!!  Have a close look at the little sign in the hut picture. Apparently I’ve reached the half way mark!  So, I’m feeling just a tad proud of myself.  It’s always nice when that happens.  😊

2 thoughts on “Day 30 – Hallett to Old Mt Bryan East School Hut – 18.7km”

  1. Congrats on your achievement Lin. Little wonder you occasionally feel a bit tired – YOU HAVE WALKED 600 KM! Proud of you and all you have achieved. xxxxxxxxx

  2. It was nice to talk and have a laugh. You’ve come too far to turn back now.
    What a great achievement hon, keep smashing out those klicks. X

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