Day 31 – Mt Bryan School Hut to Caroona Creek Camp – 17.12km

Total Distance – 569.8km

A Heysen Trail Story

Today was one of my favourite days on the trail so far. Back in my beloved desert country. Snaking down an ancient gorge. It was wonderful.

Without knowing too much about this little section, I had been tossing up doing a long day, skipping this campsite and trying to make up some lost time. In the end I decided to take my time and enjoy the shorter days. And I’m so glad that I did that. Rushing through the day would have broken my heart.

Because just like that, I was back in red, rocky, raw desert country. Spiky and harsh, but beautiful and soft looking. Again, I had that sense of coming home. Even though I have never been here before.

Looking back at Mt Bryan
Desert scrub

The day started with a pleasant road walk alongside giant eucalypts. Scenery that Heysen himself may have used as a muse. Looking backwards, Mt Bryan was shrouded in a misty cloud which started disapating as the sun began to find strength.

Up a track, the giant trees began to make way for typical desert plants. Mallee scrub, mulga, brightly coloured wattles, crimson Eremophilias and sticky hopbush. As well as the ever present tjilka. Prickly bush. The distance and expanse of it all make me feel humbled to be a small part of it.

Break time!

Over a rise is the Tourilie Gorge. Slaty, crumbling rock walls snaking their way through the valley. Large caves and small rockpools providing shelter and resources for the many creatures that live along it’s breadth. Tiny reptiles dance in and out of the rock crevices having been caught baking in the sun.

Track into the gorge.
Interesting rock formations
Mountain with a scaly skirt

I enjoy it all immensely. This sudden change of scenery. I take my time and explore. Extremely thankful that I don’t have to rush past. That I can take it all in.

The gorge ends and the path follows old tyre tracks through desert scrub, so familiar, it is impossible not to think on my desert past. Hundreds of dog walks taken on tracks just like this one. The reminiscing makes me happy. I conclude that all of it, has led me to the special place I am in right now.

Soft, dappled colours of the desert plain
Just the chimney still stands on this old homestead
Camp site under the Mallee.

The afternoon is spent reading my books and listening to the bird life. It has been an extremely enjoyable day.

Silvery sunset.

2 thoughts on “Day 31 – Mt Bryan School Hut to Caroona Creek Camp – 17.12km”

  1. Well, it is obvious you had enjoyed one of the best days on your trek so far. Good for you! xxxxxxx

  2. Wow – by sheer coincidence I was flicking around TV last night and saw ‘Going Places’, and rewatched your Uluru episode!! Talking about this exact connection to the desert landscape and the fires from your dream (next entry). You’re amazing!! xxx

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