Day 32 – Caroona Creek Camp to Black Jack hut – 16.22km

Total Distance – 584.7km

A Heysen Trail Story

I don’t usually talk about dreams, but last night I dreamt of fire. It was so real, I could smell the smoke and hear the crackling of the flames. Feel the heat. I haven’t had a dream like that in a long time.

I think about it whilst I walk today and conclude it was memory. So many of my memories associated with this landscape are related to fire. Starting them. Fighting them. Sitting around talking. Making cups of tea for the ladies and using the smoke to keep the flies away. Morning embers being blown back to life as folks awake in the community. Constant pungency on the clothes. The unique smell of mulga burning. Fire was so pervasive during my time in the desert. Glad there’s no sign of it now though.

It’s another great day of walking. Another short day. I’m not sure how I’m going to go when the stakes increase again. But today I just enjoyed the big sky country. Threaded through with dry creek beds and rocky scree.

Big sky country
Pretty coloured track
Creek of contemplation

I stop at one of the larger creeks for a break. There is water here. Such a precious thing in these parts. I think on an encounter I had just had.

It’s so disappointing to me when an encounter starts with “Wow! That’s a lot of stuff you’re carrying!” Note to hikers, current and future, don’t lead with that. There’s so many other things to say…”How’s your walk going?”, “What should I look forward to?”, “Gorgeous day isn’t it?”, “I’m loving this walk. Are you?” Commenting about the way someones pack looks, really does nobody any good.

When I met that troubled hiker a couple of days ago, he was wearing an Aarn. I said to him “I see you’re an Aarn convert!” To which he replied “Yes. And everybody looks at me and treats me like I’m a bloody idiot!”. At the time, I made light of it and told him they just didn’t know the power of the Aarn. But actually, I knew exactly what he was talking about.

Today I said what I always do when somebody comments and they’ve never seen an Aarn before “It’s just the pack. I’m probably carrying much the same as what you are”. But really, what does it matter if I’m carrying more anyway? And willing and able to? Each to their own with what they feel comfortable with. We don’t all have to be the same.

After enjoying this hobby for more than 20 years, I’m not a fan of the “competitive” side to gear, and whose got the smallest stuff, and whose stuff weighs the least. We’re all out there to enjoy it. And everybody can do that differently. I say we just focus on why we are all out there….the walk.

Straight up.
A cauldron of scenery

I’m camping tonight at Black Jack Hut. It’s a cute little thing with 3 bunk beds inside. But it’s a lovely afternoon, and I sleep so much better when I’m tucked away in the tent. And, I’m carrying the big ‘ol thing anyway! Might as well use it right! Ahaha! (She says, sipping from her actual metal water bottle. Of which she has two).

Black Jack hut
Stunning sunset
OMG! Two person tent. For one!

One thought on “Day 32 – Caroona Creek Camp to Black Jack hut – 16.22km”

  1. Very interesting take on the gear question…I’ve never really thought about the possibility that some hikers might rate others by the amount (or lack of it) and type of gear they carry! I’ve only ever known how much research, trial and error and decision-making goes into YOUR choices! And not forgetting that guy who was prepared to marry you for the quality of the meals you can create with that very gear!!

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