Day 33 – Black Jack Hut to Wandallah Creek Camp – 17.9km

Total Distance – 601.3km

A Heysen Trail Story

Wow it was windy today! This furious wind seems to have been a constant companion for much of the trip.  I can’t figure out whether it’s always blowy in this region or whether it’s been an extremely blustery year.  Either way, I was mighty glad that it was with me for the majority of the day, and not against me.

It was a day of vast, pastel views.  Slowly the desert is regressing to once again sit only in my memory, as the green paddocks begin to take precedence again. 

Green paddocks are the order of the day

I significantly lost the track for the first time this morning.  Probably a better description is that I just didn’t see the turnoff and was bounding along with unbridled energy this morning.  The wind at that time felt warm and full of promise.  Waves of good fortune washing over me. 

So much fortune that I unnecessarily climbed a rather steep hill.  Serendipity made me realise my mistake when I turned on my phone to take a photo from that viewpoint and it was open to the map page.  The wind definitely grew stronger and more leering as I back tracked back to the path.  I’m pretty sure it did anyway.

Unnecessary hill climb

Leaving tracks, the walk then follows fencelines through rolling paddocks.  Previously, this would have left me physically drained and gasping for breath.  It was so wonderful to look at them and know with absolute clarity “I can do this!”  It felt like an affirmation.  That I had finished my training and was ready to complete this thing.  For the first time I acknowledged to myself “I can do this.  I’m sure of it”.

Heading into the hills
Rather hilly that!

It’s a moment of self belief that brings me much pride.  Now all the pieces just need to fall into place.

I get into camp around 12.30pm and contemplate pushing on to Burra.  It is  just so windy.  When I look at the map I’m dismayed to see I would be pushing into the wind practically the whole way. 

Greg and Cath arrive and confirm that the wind is supposed to die off in a couple of hours time.  We sit around chewing the fat until it does die down enough to get our tents up. And then we dive into them and relax. Finally out of the wind.

I’m really excited for tomorrow!  A short walk into Burra where I have a nice apartment booked for a couple of days.  Should be there by lunch!  There’s just the matter of a fairly big mountain to get over first…..

Mountain to climb…tomorrow.
All the beautiful grasses bristling in the wind.