Day 34 – Wandallah Creek to Burra – 15.7km

Total Distance – 616km

A Heysen Trail Story

The mountain is in my rear view mirror and I’m fanging it into town. Sort of…’s really rocky”.

Message to my support crew

First things first. There were a number of devious crimes committed at the campsite last night. Heinous. Unwanted and unwarranted.

Peeping Toms. Can you believe that? Right out here? And not just one of them. Five of them! All lined up and gazing silently into Cath and Greg’s tent as they rested. Just….watching.

They were all young folk. Hell bent on nefarious activity. Their leader…the audacious number 729. A big guy, and brazen to boot. When discovered and called out, the leader summoned his gang. Paced about. Staring. The promise of violence in the air. They wanted in to this enclosure. And they didn’t want to take no for an answer.

After a classic stare off, us versus them, 729 decided enough was enough. And off they went. Disaster averted. Cath and Greg left with a creepy “spied on” feeling. Not nice.

729. Trouble maker.

It was a beautiful evening. Relatively warm and the stars blazing. We all retired. Happy in the knowledge we had a short day into town.

Crime number 2. Provocation with malicious intent. Fast asleep until bang, bang, whoosh, screeeetttchhh. A kooky galah. Crazed and dive bombing the tent before cackling it’s head off and flying away. Over and over again. I had thought the bird had chosen me as a target until the morning revealed Cath and Greg. Also slightly bleary eyed and also subjugated to the insane birds attacks. There must be something in the water around here…

The walk today started with a pleasant stroll through a garden of thistles before deviating towards the hills. Here we go again. I was so glad I hadn’t attempted to do this yesterday. Hard work. Hard, hard work. But with a great reward at the end! It helps keep the motivation high, and by lunchtime, I’ve reached Burra. Place of food and showers and washing clothes and an actual bed. I’m excited! And so are my clothes.

Looking back at the little campsite of planted trees with a thistle garden in front.
Mountainous. Greg and Cath are tiny specks on the other side.
I very nearly stepped on this poor fellow who was sun baking right on the track. He didn’t move. I went around.

Also, I’ve hit the 600km mark! Unbelievable. I’ll have a little review of how my gear (and I) are going tomorrow. But tonight is a night to enjoy my good fortunes. And relax.

3 thoughts on “Day 34 – Wandallah Creek to Burra – 15.7km”

  1. Congratulations on reaching the 600km mark! Outstanding effort and yes, a real affirmation that you CAN do it all!

    Loved your humorous take on the crimes committed, especially the dive-bombing galahs!

  2. Wonderful writing Mel! Really enjoying the blog. Have you time for a lovely massage to celebrate the 600 mark?!

  3. Poor old No 729 and his cronies were probably only envious of your shelter from the wind! Just wanted to see if there was any spare room in the tent. The galah was just being a typical …well…. galah. Idiots don’t get called “galahs” for nothing! 🤣😂🤣

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