Day 36 – Burra to Worlds End Camp Site – 25.67km

Total Distance – 639.1km

A Heysen Trail Story

I’m feeling rather sad. Deflated. The big things on the horizon for the head of my support crew eventuated today. A life changing moment. AND, it’s his birthday tomorrow. But here I am at World’s End with no reception. No way to talk to him. Messaging through my Garmin just doesn’t seem adequate for this moment. Yet that’s the best I can do. It makes me sad. Homesick in a way I haven’t felt yet since I’ve been here. Chalk it up to one of those moments I guess. He’d be the first one to tell me we’ll talk when we can and that’s that. Still. I feel like I’ve really let him down. Let us down. That I’m not there to celebrate this moment with him.

I’ll take a walk around in a minute and see if I can get a bar or two. I’m not hopeful though. But maybe technology will come through for me! We’ll see.

A rather severe change in weather was expected today. 31 degrees yesterday to just 13 today. And rain to boot. I’d also been told a couple of times previously that todays walk was one of the worst of the entire length. Nothing to see at all. So it was very difficult leaving my comfortable Burra cottage this morning.

But the show must go on. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it. Just a light drizzle up until lunchtime. And although it was mainly roadwalking, the scenery on both sides was great. Mountainous on one side. Green pastures on the other. Grey clouds highlighting the brilliance of the colours.

A drizzly day
View to the horizon
Mountains to the right of me

The day went quickly, on account of the rain. Stopping for lengthy periods is not high on the agenda. So although it was a relatively long day, I arrived at the walkers camp by 2pm.

Another old ruin
The grey day does make the colours really pop
Red rocks surround this mountain

The camp site wasn’t much chop. Very little tree cover, so no shelter. I decided to fill up on water and walk the extra 1.5km to the “free” camp for caravans and the like. Here there were toilets and bins at least. And a lot of people.

Cruising in with their vans. Back and forward. Back and forward again. And again. Trying to get the absolute perfect spot. The van closest to me has been moving in small increments since before I started writing this blog. It’s just one night. Park up already!

Whilst they’re stuffing around I might as well go for a wander and try and find a phone signal. I really, really want to have a chat!

No chat. But the view made up for it a little…

3 thoughts on “Day 36 – Burra to Worlds End Camp Site – 25.67km”

  1. Buck up Lin! Geoff did his best to fill, in for you at the birthday party, although I am sure the difference was noticeable!

  2. Love the photos of this section and yes, the grey skies do something to the colours that makes each scene POP!
    Re the campsite….now you know why you carry that tent and travel fancy-free! BTW, the rest of your support crew made sure the Chief had an awesome 2 days!!

  3. Yes,I loved the photos of this day’s walk too, particularly the last one of the creek.

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