Day 37 – Worlds End Camp to Huppatz Hut – 19.68km

Total Distance – 659.9km

A Heysen Trail Story

It was a really lovely day of walking. One of the more interesting in recent times. The only thing I could think about though was getting to a high point. Getting reception. And making a birthday call. Despite my best intentions though, it never happened. Not enough 4G reception all day to make a call. And with that, my entry into “worst girlfriend of the year” is sealed. It’s a low point.

I’m trying not to dwell on it though. I tried my best. Can’t do more than that. Time to take my own advice and concentrate on the walk.

After a dull start to the day, a short creek walk followed by a stint next to the highway, the track got into some much more interesting country. Small bush tracks and unused roads making their way through mallee scrub and gorge-like creek beds. The prickly mimosa was in flower, it’s sweet scent wafting through the air.

Gorge like creek walking
Lovely rocky section of the creek

Over a hill and into an open valley. The ever present wind is back today. Brisk and cold. The watery sun does little to take the chill out of the air.

Heading towards the hills

A fenceline provides a guide for moving between one range and another. Golden fields of canola shine like sunbeams in the distance. Resplendent against the irridescent green.

Golden fields of canola

The final hill is the largest of the day. Rocky and steep. I check my phone one last time. No dice. There will be no birthday phone call today. A sleet like squall moves in. Vanquishing what would have been amazing views. The cold droplets ensure little time can be spent sightseeing.

View at the top just before the rain hit
The little hut can be seen in the distance

The hut is in sight though. Miraculously lit up by the sun amongst these clouds. Promising comfort from the harsh weather. It’s solid structure provides a modicum of relief. The rain stops, but the wind continues to rage. It’ll be a chilly one tonight.

Clouds sweeping over Huppatz Hut. Not far now!

“Wishing you a very happy birthday Aubs. Thinking of you and wishing so much that I could just say hello. I miss you. xxx”

Message for the head of my support crew

One thought on “Day 37 – Worlds End Camp to Huppatz Hut – 19.68km”

  1. I don’t agree with yout thoughts on ‘I am the worst girlfriend of the year’ – you’re not. We know the risks, it’s no big thing.
    Keep smashing those klicks out. We will get our time. X

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