Day 39 – Webb Gap Camp to Smith Hill Camp – 13.78km

Total Distance – 689.5km

A Heysen Trail Story

What a treat last night was.  Cath and Greg’s friend, John, had bought along  a bottle of 2012 Laughing Magpie red and a block of chocolate.  Both of which they generously shared with me.  So kind.

Again I think about how lucky I have been to have Cath and Greg (and all their friends!) for company.  It really has changed the trajectory of my walk for the better.  I’m not certain how much longer we’ll be walking together for.  The upcoming section is logistically tricky, with many options available.  It’ll be very interesting to see how it all pans out.  Regardless, I couldn’t have asked for better walking companions.  Many good conversations have been had.  And I haven’t had to get the headphones on and dance around to ward off the spooks at an isolated campground once!

It was a magical little day of walking today.  No sign of any sunshine, but the wind died off and there was no rain, allowing the opportunity just to slow down a bit.  Take things in.

Who thinks a magpie might live here?

Essentially the walk followed a wildlife corridor.  Mountains to the left and glowing canola fields to the right.  Giant windfarm propellers spun lazily in the distance.  Birdlife was plentiful.  Galahs screetching and kurrawongs chorasing.  I enjoyed all the chatter.

Canola farm with wind propellers in the distance
Ominous cloud bank…didn’t produce any rain
What’s not to smile about?
Mountain range that I walked beside

The walk finished with a sharp, but small uphill section through bushland and over rocky scree.  I settle into my tent for an afternoon of planning and reading.  Absolutely thrilled that it is not bitterly cold outside.  It’s a really pleasant way to end a lovely day. 

Hilly slope

I then climbed to the top of Smith Hill for sunset. I must have been so engrossed and still that a rather large kangaroo must have mistook me for a tree. He came loping over and stood right beside me, looking out as well. I turned slowly, and he startled. We acknowledged each other for a while, before he quietly slunk away. I enjoyed watching the sunset with him. It was certainly a good one.

Sunset from Smith Hill
Sunset clouds

2 thoughts on “Day 39 – Webb Gap Camp to Smith Hill Camp – 13.78km”

  1. What a treat that chocolate must’ve been! And it’s good to hear how much you now appreciate a bit of friendly company….I’m not surprised! It’s a LONG trek by yourself! How would you have handled the PCT by yourself?? Strange country and all….one to mull over!

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