Day 40 – Smith Gap Camp to Marschalls Hut – 27.14km

Total Distance – 715.1km

A Heysen Trail Story

The big news today is in the title. 40 days I’ve been doing this now. And I’ve travelled over 700km. 700km on foot. It’s actually kind of hard to take in. Doesn’t seem real somehow. But I have the signs to prove it!

700km! Can you believe that!

This morning a thick blanket of fog covered the campsite. Tents dripping. It stayed fairly overcast for most of the day. But for just a little while this afternoon, beautiful sunshine. What a simple pleasure.

It was a long day comparatively. And not one of the best in terms of scenery. Pleasant though, passing through many nature corridors between paddocks.

Take it when you can I guess….
Yellowing paddock

The highlight of the day was a lunch stop at the park at Marabel. It was full of fascinating information about the towns history, all displayed on tiles, which, when pieced together displayed many beautiful artworks. It was such a lovely feature in such a small town. A town which, it became clear, was very famous for it’s legendary rodeos.

Beautiful and informative works of art on tiles
Curio. The legendary rodeo horse.

The second highlight was the little hut itself. Set on a hill side with amazing views. There are 5 of us here tonight! Cath and Greg. And two section hikers, getting back into the hobby after a 12 year absence. In the glittery sunshine it’s an easy decision for me to camp. In fact, we all decide to.

There are a group of sheep making a huge ruckus and grazing near the tent. It would be quite idyllic if I wasn’t watching one of them regurgitating right outside my house. Come on mate! Why right there? I suppose it’s their home more than mine. I’m just an interloper.

The sun is making the tent really warm and cosy, so after a long day’s walk I think I’ll lie down and have a little read. Perfect.

Tent with a view
Sunset…but I didn’t take a photo of the hut!

One thought on “Day 40 – Smith Gap Camp to Marschalls Hut – 27.14km”

  1. Wow! 700 km! That’s a full tank of fuel! If we were allowed to travel that is. ☹ Anyway, it is an amazing accomplishment, and only 500 km to go! xxxxxxxxx

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