Day 44 – Greenock to Tanunda – 16.87km

Total Distance – 781.3km

A Heysen Trail Story

Not a great deal to tell today. Basically it was all about getting from one town to another. Scenery average and pretty much all on roads. Still, it was flat and the kilometers passed quickly.

I reached Tanunda by 11.30am and stopped in at a lovely cafe for brunch. At some point in the future I’m going to have to begin curtailing what I order, but at the moment I can just go for it. I have a large chocolate milkshake, a vegetarian burger with a side of potato slices, huge chai tea and a lemon curd tart. Filled the spot.

Heading towards the town of Tanunda
Because who doesn’t love a swing bridge

The pub were generous enough to allow me to get into my room early. It mightn’t be the most luxurious bathroom I’ve ever been in, but my little ensuite feels like an absolute treat.

The atmosphere in town is one of excitement! One of the Adelaide AFL teams is playing in a preliminary final tonight and all the venues are expecting big crowds. I decide to book into one of fancier restaurants in town and treat myself to a non pub meal. Enjoy the quiet whilst I can. And later, I’ll see. Sometimes the best attitude is, “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em!”.