Day 52 – Rocky Creek Camp to Chookarloo Camp – 14.18km

Total Distance – 946km

A Heysen Trail Story.

Short and sweet today. Short and sweet. Exactly what my overworked body needed. A nice, flat little run and an afternoon spent resting at camp.

Pleasant walking through forestry zones and along seldom used roads. I spy numerous grey fantails which make me laugh with their bruffness and remind me of home. I take the opportunity to have a catch up chat with the head of my support crew. Not long now till we’ll see each other in person. It’s exciting.

And before I know it, I’ve reached the campground. This site is even bigger than the last and large groups of Sunday picnicers lounge by roaring fires in their deckchairs. Kids loving the opportunity to get muddy on their bikes.

I spend the afternoon making my final bookings. There is a few complications as campsites are already booked out, but in the end, I am able to work things out satisfactorily. Time to bring this thing home!!

But first, a huge 30km day tomorrow…

Hmmmm. It appears I only took two photos today!

One thought on “Day 52 – Rocky Creek Camp to Chookarloo Camp – 14.18km”

  1. Obviously you can see the finish line now, and are getting keen to reach it! You only have to hold it together for a week or so, and then you can say “Makes it!” xxxxxxxxx

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