Day 54 – Mt Compass Caravan Park to Heysen’s Rest B&B – 26.37km

Total Distance – 1000km!!

A Heysen Trail Story

Do you see that? 1000km!  Can you believe that?  I can’t and I’ve walked it!

Just a little bit proud of myself.  By anyone’s standards, it’s a long way.  It’s a physical battle for sure.  But it’s the resilience that I’m most proud of.  The internal willpower to keep going.  Overcoming hardship, whether it be weather or solitude or fatigue in order to achieve a goal.  A dream.  My dream.  Yep.  I’m a proud girl right now.

The weather today consisted of another drizzly, grey mess.  Cold, but not as freezing as yesterday.  The whip lashing wind was missing for the most part today. Something I was very grateful for.

Still, it didn’t make for pleasant conditions to dilly dally in.  The optimal course of action quickly became clear.  Go, and go quickly.  Enjoy the scenery, but keep going.  And so I fanged it.  More through circumstance than design.

This morning took me on a winding, ridgetop dirt road through a large sheep paddock.  The town of Mt Compass could be seen off in the distance.

More rolling hills and grassy paddocks and drab, grey skies

I was slowed down when I reached the Yulte Conservation Park which offered a lovely bush track up and down and around a mountain.  Colourful birds were in abundance, and the clouds cleared a little for views over the nearby paddocks.  Multiple waterfalls were running over the rocks.  A positive outcome of all this recent rain.

The creeks were running in Yulte Conservation Park
Skies are getting darker

At the completion of this bush track the drizzly showers really set in.  It was a fairly miserable 6km or so along muddy roads to the Heysen’s Rest B&B.

I arrive wet and bedraggled to meet Jayne, the owner, who is absolutely lovely.  I had texted her a few days ago about dinner options, and she had offered to get me a microwave meal – which I excitedly agreed to!  She had it in her hand when she met me, and despite protestation, would not accept any money for it.  She showed me my cosy little room and inquired what time I would like my breakfast.

“Oh, ummm 8am please”.  “Oh”.  Pause. “Ok”, Jayne replies.  “Why, is that early or late?” I enquire.  “Late”, Jayne confirms.  But we are both happy for that, and I have a relatively short day tomorrow.  Why not have a little sleep in!?

My shower is luxury.  Room lovely and warm.  Cup of tea and a read on my bed.  Happiness doesn’t have to be complicated.

With the 1000km mark achieved, that only leaves the final goal.  Finish.  My head, heart, legs and feet are willing.  And I’ve given myself the opportunity.  Won’t be long until we all find out if I can actually achieve the ultimate goal…

As well as reaching the 1000km mark, there was this little gem of a sign. If you can’t be proud of that, what can you be proud of?

3 thoughts on “Day 54 – Mt Compass Caravan Park to Heysen’s Rest B&B – 26.37km”

  1. That sign really puts your accomplishment in perspective! Great effort!
    You DO seem to be enjoying those creature comforts, like warmth, shelter and comfy bed, more the further you trek….definitely sensing that finish line ahead!

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