Day 55 – Heysen’s Rest B&B to Robinson Hill Camp – 20km

Total Distance – 1017km

A Heysen Trail Story

True to my word, I slept in. Actually woke to the sound of my alarm, which I have set less than a handful of times over the course of the trip. I lie in bed wishing that I didn’t have to get up. I’m feeling tired. Longing for the rest day I have scheduled in a couple of days time.

I haven’t actually had a proper rest day since Burra, at the 600km mark. My body has been increasingly insistent that I do so. And soon. These rainy days of speeding along have definitely not been helping my cause. I look out the window. Drizzle once again.

Jayne arrives promptly at 8am with a HUGE tray of food. I happily sit on the bed and consume every morsel. The fresh grapes, strawberries and blueberries taste absolutely divine. I’m feeling good once I get started for the day.

The cooked breakfast was the bomb. Not pictured is a bottle of OJ and tub of strawberry yoghurt. I couldn’t help myself and had those last night.

And it’s a really fantastic day of walking, primarily through conservation reserves. The wildflowers are the highlight of the day. Absolutely brilliant in the breadth of their colour and variety. Streams and waterfalls tinkle past throughout the day. Kangaroos and birds are abundant. It’s bushwalking at it’s best.

The nature reserve is in the distance
Entrance to the reserve
Tracks lined with gorgeous wildflowers
So many colours!

I’m moving very slowly today. With only a week to go, my body seems to be sensing that it can start to relax a bit. Break down. Aches and strains are becoming increasingly worrisome and common. Like I said, this rest day can’t come fast enough.

I arrive in the small village of Inman Valley around lunchtime and treat myself to a sit down meal. It is so nice to sit in that warm, dry place. Watching others around me, all rugged up, and enjoying their glass of wine with their hot meal.

The meal gives me a boost, and I finish the day with a lot more energy than what I started it with. The campsite is very small, only a couple of tents would fit in here, but with a great view. I lie in my tent for a while resting, before emerging into a cool, but dry late afternoon.

Scenery heading into Inman Valley
Cows looking pretty as a picture

This would be a really great spot for sunset, but with this much cloud around, I’m not very hopeful. Stranger things have happened though. That’s for sure.

Extent of the campground.
Sunset time.