Day 56 – Robinsons Hill Camp to Victor Harbour – 22.21km

Total Distance – 1036km

A Heysen Trail Story

I woke with a start last night. My sleep fuddled mind struggling to understand what had woken me. A gunshot was going through my head. But really? Was that possible? I looked at my clock. 10.30pm. My eyes started to drift shut again.

BANG!! This time no mistaking it. The sharp crack of a rifle. The noise of it reverberating around the valley. I sat up in bed. BANG!! BANG!! Two more shots. Where were they? It sounded close. Did they know I was here? In my little tent? BANG!! A rifle shot. BOOM!! The heavier sound of a shotgun.

What do I do? What would you have done? Stay huddled in my tent, blind to where they are and where they are going? Get out of the tent? Look for them? Maybe come across them? I’m a good Aussie girl. I’ve seen Wake in Fright. Stereotype or not, the thought of running into a group of shooters, out there by myself. No one else around, was terrifying.

It goes silent for a while and I wonder if they are gone. I am genuinely frightened at this point. BANG!! BOOM!! The noise is even closer now. I hear excited dogs barking on the wind. The shots get closer and closer. At one point I realise they have passed me. But will they come back? Eventually silence. And then a car drives slowly past. Silence again.

This whole episode lasted about an hour and a half. For all I know it could have been rangers, busily controlling feral animals. With the dogs, it was probably just blokes busily controlling feral animals. But I hope that that is the first and last time I wake to the sound of gunfire smattering around me whilst I’m in my tent.

Obviously I didn’t sleep well after that. And woke up feeling really out of sorts. Sick of packing up my tent and walking.

What kept me in the game was the thought of reaching the sea today. The Great Southern Ocean. Even the name has such an air of mystery and adventure.

Morning pack up. All of that has to go in the bag.

Once I got underway my mind started to clear. The first glimpse of the ocean and I was back to the overly excited hiker I was at the beginning. Ready to start her epic adventure. That’s how much it lifted me. My aches and pains vanished. My moodiness disappeared. And I felt a complete joy. A feeling I hadn’t experienced for a few days. It was truely a remarkable moment.

First view of the ocean!
Headland going into Victor Harbour.

The little town of Victor Harbour is beautiful. A long esplanade dotted with Norfolk pines. Little islands sitting pretty off the coast. Old, faded seaweed washed up on the beach in abundance.

Amazing what a bit of sea air, sparkling water and a bit of Vitamin D can do!! xxx”

Message from my sister

So true! I feel like a totally new person. With a bit of time to spare I drop into a fish and chip shop on the beach and get some lunch. Afterwards, I saunter to my accommodation. It takes a little longer than I expect. There are many locals that want to talk to me about what I’ve been doing. During one such encounter a fellow riding a bike asks me if I need help in knowing where to go. He runs into a post. Very, very hard not to laugh.

And now I’m here. With a rest day tomorrow. I’m booked into a nice restaurant tonight, and I have all day to get ready for the finale.

I feel positive. I can’t wait to get stuck into it. After a rest of course…

An island girl happy to see the water.

One thought on “Day 56 – Robinsons Hill Camp to Victor Harbour – 22.21km”

  1. Good job Lin, I’m very glad you are back to feeling more upbeat. Nearly there! Enjoy your rest day! xxxxxxx

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