Day 58 – Victor Harbour to Waitpinga Camp Site – 14km (plus rest day in Victor Harbour)

Total Distance – 1045km

A Heysen Trail Story

It really was a day of wows! The first came as I closed the door to my room this morning. “Oh wow!” I thought. “This is it!”. The next time I stay in proper accommodation, I will, in all likelihood, be finished the Heysen Trail. There is really no denying it now. This adventure is coming to an end.

I had a really restful day in Victor Harbour. Did as most any tourist would do, and walked out along the pier to Granite Island. A beautiful place of large boulders and tumultuous surf. Visited the Norfolk cafe for some lunch. There was no way I wasn’t going to do that!

Later in the day, I was really excited to catch up with Cath and Greg, as well as their friend John, famous providore of wine and chocolate. We had a lovely dinner and much great discussion. Primarily about the trail. Of course.

John, being the generous person he is, offered to drive me the 6km back out of town in the morning and drop me back at the trail. This offer I happily accepted.

Right on time he picked me up, and we were on our way. I spoke to him about the strange feelings involved in this journey coming to an end. It has been so all consuming. Such a disconnect from my normal life in so many ways. It’s difficult to know where all this drive and passion will be directed once it’s done. What will consume my thoughts and actions? Is my life just going to go back to normal? Or will it be changed in some large or subtle way that I just can’t grasp yet. It’s all rather disconcerting.

John drops me off, and I thank him for the many kindnesses he has shown me. I’m happy that fate has aligned things so that I will catch up with Greg and Cath at a campground very soon. That we will actually finish on the same day. It seems….right somehow. Rather poetic.

But for now, I’m on my own. I get started up the track. And what a track it is! Absolutely stunning scenery. Wild, blue ocean. Wind buffetting. Huge granite boulders highlighted in irridescent orange. Islands out to sea. And in the second “oh wow!!” moment of the day, sheer cliffs dropping straight down to the water, and stretching for kilometers into the distance. It really was awe inspiring.

Looking back towards Victor Harbour
The “wow” moment of seeing the sheer bluffs
Island off the coast and granitic boulders
Colourful pebbles
Clouds are brewing
Track off the beach
Looking back to where I have walked

In the distance I could see rain squalls making their way to the coast, causing the islands to become shrouded in mystery. Difficult to see. I took the time to perch on a rock, overlooking it all, and just take it in. I told the head of my support crew that “my heart felt very light.” And it truely did.

The rain has arrived!
Views, views, views
Looking back at the little island
Those cliffs are amazing!
Track towards camp.

It was not a difficult 14km into camp. I was able to find a nice, private spot with a table where I was able to relax in the sun for the afternoon. I walked a pathway up to the beach and observed the trail I will follow tomorrow. It is a super simple day. It is absolutely perfect.

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