Day 59 – Waitpinga Camp to Balquhidder Camp – 12.57km

Total Distance – 1056.7km

A Heysen Trail Story

“Today was heaven on the end of a walking stick”

Me. To myself.

I’m not sure what it means. All I know is that it was a truely wonderful day of walking. Epic scenery. The clearest, blue sky. Gentle, cool breeze. Pounding surf, reflecting the sky. Long beach walks. Gulls crying overhead. Reams of rocks and boulders tumbling.

It was definitely my sort of day.

Track to the beach
Looking down at a beach walk

I’m really glad that this oceanic section of the walk is my finale. It has calmed me, soothed me and made me long for home. A reminder of all the good things I have waiting for me on my return. And I just find it utterly spectacular.

Track with magnificent scenery
Rocky beach
Reams of rock
Creek crossing at the ocean

Only three days left now. The feeling of finishing is still bizzare. I want to finish. I’m ready to see my loved ones. My gorgeous, one of a kind, little dog. My house. My friends. My island home. But even talking about finishing causes me to tear up now. I’m not even sure why…I think it’s because it’s the end of something I’ve dedicated so fully to. It’s a little scary to question “what’s next?” This has been my plan for so long. And in just a couple of days, the plan will have been fulfilled. What is going to fill all this space? What’s the next challenge going to be?

I guess I won’t find out until I finish this and start the next. So there’s another positive! Not helping I think, is that this area is a communications black hole. I haven’t been able to talk to the head of my support crew, or any of the inner circle for that matter. It’s just me and my thoughts, such as they are. Perhaps there will be some further clarity in the coming days. I hope so.

In the meantime the mission is to enjoy! The campsite is not making it easy. This is a temporary site only. There are very few flat spots and we have three tents all within 20m of each other. As I type this I am looking out over the Shangri-La…the new campsite they are building, With camping pads, toilets, kitchen shelter and seats, it’s going to be a mecca. In the meantime, we can’t even find somewhere private to go the toilet. Maybe it’s a good thing. Because this….this I won’t miss.