Day 62 – Eagle Waterhole Camp to Heysen Trail End at Cape Jervis – 16.69km

Total Distance – 1101.1km

A Heysen Trail Story

“Well this is it yorlye!  I’m packed up and about to set off to finish this thing.  I feel ready….

Also because a small branch/large stick fell onto my tent last night and busted a big hole through my fly.  I don’t think the tape will be able to fix this!”

Message to my support crew

True story.  Can you believe that!!??  On the final night a stick takes out my tent fly.  “Why?” gear gods.  “Why?”

I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised.  Sleeping bag on the first night.  Tent on the last.  And pretty much everything else absolutely pummelled in between.  Yes, I shouldn’t have been surprised.

But I was. And the gaping hole flapping around in the wind all night did not make for the relaxing, last nights sleep I had been hoping for.  So I was up earlier than I have been, and on my way.

I don’t reckon I’m going to be able to convince the MSR guy that this should come under warranty….

It was a spectacular days walk.  Absolutely a fitting ending to an epic journey.  The colour of the water, the beautiful bays, soaring hills of the most vibrant green.  I think I’ll let my photos do the talking. 

Track over Cobbler’s Hill
Beach cove
And just a little bit closer
Rolling hills were still abundant
Beach front walking
View from the other side

As for me.  I surprised myself.  I wasn’t sad.  And the reason, I soon realised, was an overarching, intense feeling of pride, that infused my body and mind and smothered all other emotions.  A powerful, invincible feeling, that I hope doesn’t fade away too quickly when life’s normal trials and tribulations recommence.

Looking back on the cliff line
Track stretching out ahead and into the hills
Water of a different sort
One lone Norfolk Pine calling me into the finish line.
The finish is in sight…right where that ferry is going to dock.

The ending of the walk was super special.  Cath and Greg had family and friends gathered to cheer them on, and they did the same for me when I walked in.  It was a wonderful moment.  Champagne was popped and poured and I was really able to soak up the feeling of having achieved something monumental. 

I hugged both Cath and Greg fiercely.  The first hugs I’ve given or received in almost 3 months.  I told the two of them that regardless of anything else that happened on the trail, meeting them had been the luckiest, most fortuitous thing that could have happened to me out there.  These people, who had been strangers, are now such a large part of the story of one of my greatest achievements.  The saddest part of the day was saying goodbye to them.

So much gratitude for these two absolute legends!

I’m staying in Cape Jervis for the night.  I had been thinking this might be a nice rounding off of the journey.  A good old fashioned pub meal and some decompression time before heading to Adelaide.  Not to be.  We all know I’ve visited many a pub on this trip…this one definitely rates as the most dodgy.  Even getting let into the general store to buy some dinner was difficult.  It was locked.  I needed to be let in specially by the barkeep.  I looked around, hoping for a microwave meal or something semi-celebratory.  The only dinner option…..packets of pasta and rice, exactly the same as those I have been eating for the last 2 months.  I bought one.  But it’s still sitting on the kitchen bench.  Untouched.  Twisties and Kit Kat it is!!!

I’m going to leave it here for tonight.  Obviously I’ll have many more reflections in the next few days and weeks as I try to get home.  I’ll write a little more once I’ve processed things a bit.  But for now, thank you so much to all those people that have been following along with me every step of the way.  And especially those that sent me encouraging messages of support.  It really made a huge difference to my mental well being!  Thanks yorlye!  xxxx

Mission accomplished!

6 thoughts on “Day 62 – Eagle Waterhole Camp to Heysen Trail End at Cape Jervis – 16.69km”

  1. So glad you had a celebration when you crossed that finish line! And a hug….thanks so much for being there for her, Cath and Greg!

    Photos are beautiful – a stunning part of our long coastline. Pity about the lack of hospitality options at Cape Jervis, but obviously your “hikers high” saw you through!

    So proud of your inspirational effort xx

  2. And …… its done! What a massive achievement. Always proud of you, and thanks to Cath and Greg for all the support they provided to you. The pub at the end reminded me of the walk we took around the lake to the Laurieton Sailing club for a drink! 🤣😂🤣😂 Oh well, not all things go to plan. Great blog, enjoyed reading every entry. xxxxxxxxx

  3. The ‘Head of support crew’ gets to power down his PC. After one last re-check of the Garmin GPS map and a final flip through the provided paper routes and campsites list, Head Quarters – ‘Melly takes a Walk’ – goes quiet.
    Lacking the right words for this moment – all I can say is well done babe. You’re Awesome. X

  4. Congratulations Mel. I’ve so enjoyed reading about your adventure and looking at all your lovely photos. The ones from the last day are really magic. What a way to finish the trail!
    thanks for sharing your journey with us. xxx

  5. Awesome! Well done – such a great achievement.

    Thank you so much for the blog, it’s been wonderful reading it. I can’t wait to get onto the trail… hopefully August next year! 🙂

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