Great Ocean Walk, Day 14 – Mallee Camp to Portland, 24km

This is it! The final push.  I wake up feeling very rested, the sickness seemingly disappeared. I pack up in a now familiar routine.  One thing I can be thankful for, is that due to all this inclement weather I’ve actually rearranged my bag a little and now I can pretty much pack up the whole thing from inside my tent.  Saves me time and prevents precious items from getting wet.  Win win!

I’m off early feeling hopeful that the little bit of sunshine that’s peaking through might stay with me all day.  WRONG! It’s a bit of everything today.  Crazy wind, freezing rain, brilliant sunshine, even some hail.  I shouldn’t have expected anything different.

This is it! Back to Portland!
Early morning sunshine
But the clouds threaten

First stop on the trail is the “Enchanted Forest”, a little area which although immediately adjacent to the sea is protected by gnarled old trees and rocks, intertwined with a native fern to give the illusion of lushness.  It’s a nice break from the wind and I sit and have the first of my breaks for the day.

Break time
Is it just me..  or does it just look a little bit… grizzly?

Afterwards I’m back on the cliffs.  I’ve reached that point in the journey where the bag feels weightless and I’m moving somewhat effortlessly along the more or less flat trail.  I revel in the windswept landscape, once again enjoying the barren terrain and pounding of the surf. One minute it’s glorious sunshine, the next I’m being blasted with icy shards of rain.  The craziness fits with the overall feel of this trip.  No matter how experienced I become with my hiking, the weather will remain an untamable and unpredictable friend.

Colourful track

Hey, I did say this was a training hike for Scotland didn’t I!

In a blast of wind I reach the only mainland colony of Australasian gannets.  Beautiful big birds, some of whom used to reside on Phillip Island, an island at home.  They sweep and whistle through the air in the wind and clump together in a large group looking for all money like they are trying to keep warm.   It is a wonderful sight to see.

All the gannets used to nest out on that little island before it filled up.  Lack of space led to the new breeding colony being successfully established on the mainland
Huddling gannets

Onwards and I get my first glimpse of Portland.  I stop and have a final break on a rocky shore texting friends and family that I am almost there. I feel the achievement and self pride hit me.  This hasn’t been particularly easy – the weather, the aloneness and then the overcrowding, even the distance is much more challenging that the recently completed Great Ocean Walk. I feel ready.  Ready to take the next step and take this gig overseas.  A new challenge.  I’ve got this.

Beautiful lunch time / introspection spot

The walk into Portland is interesting.  Past wartime relics and artsy houses, the gardens filled with sculptures and scraps.  I’m happy.  Happy to have given it go.  Happy to have succeeded. Happy that my trust in myself has been proven again.  Happy to be back.  And happy to have a shower.

What an experience this trip has been! And what a walk. 

Another successful hike! I’m ready to take this gig somewhere completely foreign! See ya soon Scotland!

One thought on “Great Ocean Walk, Day 14 – Mallee Camp to Portland, 24km”

  1. Wonderful that you have emerged successful after all the trials and tribulations of this hike. It is a credit to you. Well done!

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