Great South West Walk, Day 11 – The Springs to Trewalla Camp, 18km

Deadset one of the best days of hiking I’ve ever experienced. Amazing views, varied terrain, wildlife, lunch time cafe, cloudy day with no rain.  Absolutely perfect.

I started off by continuing along the cliffline.  So rugged and arid, yet so close to the sea.  The rocks are incredible.  What is named the “Petrified Forest” is actually just columns of rock that have been tunneled out by rain over time. I see a large group of about 20 kangaroos travelling along a fenceline.  Multiple sightings of seals jumping right out of the ocean. It’s just me and the views.

Absolute cliffside trail
Oh the colours when the sunshine arrived!
And even when it didn’t!
The petrified forest
The blowholes.  There was a derelict old rope hanging into the pool.  That is one rockpool you wouldn’t want to relax in!
What a day!

I reach the viewing area for the seal colony. Australian fur seals (bigger and tougher) to the left.  New Zealand fur seals (no doubt friendlier) to the right.I don’t see much action down below. I grab a Snickers and sit down to enjoy it.  Suddenly I hear a boy screaming? A lamb or sheep bleating? I look down below and there he is.  A huge Australian fur seal up on the rocks and roaring at the rest of the seals that have gathered, no doubt trying to mark out a territory. It is fantastic to witness.

There IS a couple of seals there! Promise!
On my way to a lunch in Bridgewater.
Amazing coastline

I carry on and down to the beautiful little town of Bridgewater. Have a lovely chat with a fellow traveller from Western Australia after his staffie comes running up to me full tilt. Oh Bronte!  Soon girl.

Hooray, Bridgewater!
Upcoming beach walk

Into the cafe for a luxurious lunch of smashed pumpkin on sourdough with pesto basil, poached eggs and bacon.  Washed down with a delicious glass of champagne.  Perfect!

But first, a well earned champers!

Onwards, and now it’s a beach walk.  This time it’s a pleasure.  Hard sand, no wind and I’m powering on (potentially fuelled by the little bit of booze?)

Now a dune walk.  A bit of a challenge up and down the sandy track.  Constantly stopping though for photos of the wild, oceanic setting.

That’s where I was earlier….
That’s where I will be tomorrow

Finally camp.  I set up, get ready, settle down for a little snooze and read, feeling utterly content.

Hang on! I know those voices.  Mila and Maggie.  I’m back with this group again somehow! Oh well.  Not even they can ruin this perfect day.

A very content hiker.  (Before I realised who would be at camp! Lol)

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