Post PCT and the Covid Blues

In a post covid world the PCT dream is shattered. I take solice on the Sunshine Coast Great Walk

How’s everyone doing?  It’s been a hell of a ride, hasn’t it…

I must say, I’ve been struggling a bit.  It’s all a little…overwhelming.  I’ve found it terribly hard to step back from the dream of the PCT.  The planning, the prep, the all consuming thoughts, the training, the adventure.  Though on the other hand, I’ve watched in horrid fascination from the beautiful safety of Norfolk Island and said to myself over and over….”Thank God I’m not there.  Thank God I’m not there….”.

It’s all left me a bit down.  I see you nodding.  “Join the club Mel”.  I know, I know.  But this is MY story. 

You may recall that I free-wheeled after realising the PCT was a no go.  I had plans to go to Western Australia and try the Bibbulman Track.  Followed by walking the length of New Zealand on the Te Araroa.  Neither of those things are happening.  Borders closed.  Instead, I’ve snuck (hey, hey…not literally…I’ve followed all the rules!) into QLD.  I’ve grabbed all my brand new gear that’s been anxiously waiting for me since March, and I’m going to hit a few walking tracks.

So, adorned in my mask, I’ve left the safety of Norfolk and flown into Brisbane.  Selfish??  I don’t know.  It’s an argument that’s been circling in my head since I made the decision.  In my mind, it’s a calculated risk.  Others may not agree.  All I can do, is my best.

Travelling…corona style

The International Terminal was terribly creepy in it’s loneliness.  No buzz and bustle.  Just sombre silence.  A stark reminder of the state of the world at the moment.  Perhaps the only positive, free booze on the plane.  However, even I – lover of red wine, am able to say with certainty –  I wish things were normal.  And that I wish I had had to pay.

I saw my family!  Well, the majority of them.  Mum, Dad, sister, husband, niece, nephew.  It was wonderful!  Because you worry.  And you stress.  When you’re at a distance.  But this was all so…normal.  We picniced and played cards and danced and checked out all the new kid’s stuff.  Just what the doctor ordered.  The only down side…. My brother and my fella missing from the party.  However, they are fulfilling the most important function of all – the care of Bronte the wonder dog. Respect men!

This morning I set off on the train to get started on my walking holiday.  The Sunshine Coast Great Walk is the first cab off the rank.

My family often say that I always seem to attract “interesting” people to me…Case in point….First off, a fellow directly behind me who was singing “swing lo!  sweet chariot” over and over again.  Not the whole thing.  Just that line.  And in a voice which really didn’t have much of a timbre to it.  He got off the train after about 15 excrutiating minutes.

Next up, a young “metrosexual” type who seemed to be crackling with energy.  He sat across the isle from me.  At one point he said to me “Look I’m just going to be filming something over here…be assured the camera is pointed at me though”.  Oh, just a bit of scenery filming I thought.  “No worries.  Go ahead”.  Turns out this guy was making a half hour video for his “millions” of YouTube followers.  An expert in “supreme confidence”, this guy was an officianado in religion, the vortex method, and…confidence.  There were mantras galore – he unexpectedly received 65 thousand dollars over the course of three days!  And miracle after miracle!  And all you have to do is pay 10% of your income!  He’ll accept the money.  He’s a priest.  And will invest it wisely in others.  His video was halted when another passenger exclaimed “Did God let you know that you’re annoying all the other passengers!”  End of You Tube video.  Sad for his millions of followers. 

So, now I am in Montville.  A little village high on the hill with vast views out to the coast.  It’s cold and delicious.  I’m packed and ready.  58km and around 5km to get to the start point.  3 nights and 4 days.

I absolutely CANNOT wait! This has been like an itch that I just can’t scratch.  I need to get something out of my system.  Have an opportunity to rethink.  Come up with some new goals.  The PCT feels like a lost dream I’m afraid. Time to scratch the itch!

One thought on “Post PCT and the Covid Blues”

  1. Glad your first overnight is being kind to you! Hope the weather stays equally kind….relax, enjoy and rediscover your passion!

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