Sunshine Coast Great Walk – Day 1

Lake Baroon to Flaxton Walkers Camp – 16.9km + Montville Apartments to Baroon Dam – 5km

“Just Cruising”

I had a really nice time in Montville.  It’s a lovely little mountain town, full of quirky shops and eateries.  Had an early dinner with the eye on the prize of heading back to my room and lighting the fire.  Mission accomplished.  It felt like a very luxurious way to start the walk.

Fire and wine…not too shabby!

Although I had set my alarm for 7am, I bounded out of bed at the crack of dawn..literally.  With a 5km walk to get from my accommodation down to the start point, I decided to get on my way.

The air was crisp and cool.  Vapour breath.  The first few km passed very quickly with lots of interesting houses and roadside markets to look at.  My alarm going off scared the shit out of me!

I came to an intersection and was told there was to be a very steep descent for the next 2km.  They weren’t wrong!  But slow and steady and it was fine.  And I was incredibly grateful I wasn’t going the other way…that would have been a hellish way to begin or end the walk!

Before long I arrived at the start point.  Immediately it was beautiful.  Luscious green and soft underfoot. 

Back on track!

The track was lovely.  Well marked, and for the most part fairly flat.  I’ve struggled with my AARN bags over the years…wrong size for one and then breakages on another.  But boy oh boy was I pleased that I went with my gut and got another one.  This time – the Featherlite Freedom.  They may look weird.  They may cause a few sniggers.  But man, when they are working, it’s like magic.  So much weight, and you barely feel a thing.  Yep, magic I tells ya.

Highlights of the morning included a couple of lookouts.  Red rock and green dappled with the morning sun.  A soft, green river framed by the surrounding trees, but sluggish and dangerous looking in it’s stillness.  The rocks and spray of Kondawilla falls.  Big, fat monitor lizards basking in the sun.  The crack of the whipbird, the melody of the whistler and the cackle of the kookaburra.  And numerous opaque blue waterholes.

Pool at “The Narrows” lookout
Slimy green river, but oh how beautiful!
Crazy colour
Lovely grassy track…where does it lead?
Playing chicken with a big, fat monitor lizard

Right before lunch, after a set of steep stairs, I was able to stop in at “The Rockpools”  where I took the opportunity to refresh in the freezing water.

The “Rockpools”
Never pass up the opportunity to soak your poor, old feet

I made it to the Kondawilla picnic ground by lunchtime, feeling really pleased with my steady pace.  From here, I had less than 5km to campground.  In the spirit of making sure that I enjoy this walk more than I was able to on the Great North Walk, I pulled out my stove and cooked up some noodles for lunch.  A couple of kookaburras and a couple of bush turkeys were my companions.   My very eagle eyed companions.

I set off again.  Another road walk.  Not too bad though.  Before long I exited the road and was back in the bush.  Quick call to the head of my support crew and I sauntered off for the final km to camp.

View from a section of the road walk

The campsite is really nice.  There are about 12 spaces.  All really private and framed by ferns.  Although there was heaps of day walkers out today, it appears that I am to be the only camper here for the night.  I can already tell that I am going to be a little creeped out by the night noises…

Feels so, SO good to be back into it again!

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