Sunshine Coast Great Walk – Day 4

Thilba Thalba campsite to end of walk – 12km + 3km to accommodation in Mapleton

“Makes it! And room in the tank for more!”

Woke up refreshed and ready for the day.  It’s sprinkling, but doesn’t seem too bad.  I wonder what time it is?  I unzip the tent and peer outside….nothing but darkness.  Might just be because it’s overcast?  Gonna have to turn on the phone and have a look.  Phone turns on.  2.15am.  Bloody hell!  Phone off.  Back to restless sleep. 

When I wake again I can tell it’s early morning.  The kookaburras are cackling.  And the magpies are singing.  The tent is lovely and dry.  Until I spill my morning coffee inside it.  Then it becomes quite wet. 

It’s stopped raining!  And I emerge from the tent to dripping trees and wispy clouds. 

I don’t hang around.  Pack up and push off.  It’s wet.  And it’s town day.  The morning’s walking is mixed.  Some areas of tremendous weeds…the downside of being just below a road I suppose.  And some areas of absolute beauty.  Grasstrees and wattles bursting with yellow.  Easy walking, contouring around the mountain. 

Grasstrees galore

I came to a lookout and watched the mists rolling in the valley.  Soon, this walk will be over.  I reflect that it’s such a great introduction – short distances, great signage, stunning scenery, challenges.  It’s got it all, in a small neat bundle.  I’ve thoroughly enjoyed myself.

Final lookout of the walk
Misty morning

Too soon, I reach Delicia Rd and from here I have around 7.3km of road walking to get into the township of Mapleton and reach my accommodation.  The roadwalking is quite do-able.  Steep at times, but with lovely rainforest off to the side.  It takes just over an hour to get into town.

I arrive at my accommodation by 11am.  They are not quite ready for me.  I drop my bags and head back into town for a cooked brekky of eggs on toast, pineapple juice and a coffee.  By the time I get back they are done.

The afternooon is spent relaxing, figuring out what to do about my power bank (I have a plan!) and showering!  Ah, the after walk shower.  You just can’t beat it.

I write this from the Mapleton pub where I’m having dinner.  It’s a nice old place.  People are sitting apart because of Covid 19.  No band here tonight.  The dinner was great, and after a couple of wines I feel sleepy.  Time for an actual bed!