Te Araroa Day 12: Kerikeri to Paihia, 25km (243km)

So luxurious to have a later start today. To lie in a great big bed, enjoying the softness and warmth. A long, hot shower to wake up. Coffee and a slow breakfast.

25km to walk today in order to reach the seaside town of Paihia, and a well deserved rest day. I’m feeling lethargic. Tired legs after the long haul yesterday. But the promise of rest, a bed, nice meal and the beautiful scenery of the Bay of Islands was enough to keep me moving and motivated. Onwards!

Falls on the outskirts of Kerikeri
Looking at the historic stone house, near Kerikeri

Essentially the walk today was through a large forestry reserve. Much of the area had been stripped of trees, giving the vicinity a vast, desolate feeling. It was straightforward walking, and nothing too onerous. We reached the highest point, Mt Bledisloe, by mid afternoon.

The forestry reserve
Aubs, happy with his photo point
Me, not so happy with mine

Of course, it rained at that point, obscuring our first glimpses of the world renowned Bay of Islands. Just as we left, it started to clear. Of course.

It didn’t take long before we were there and experiencing it for ourselves! Although the flooding rain and overcast conditions weren’t conducive to showing it at its best, the Bay is still incredibly vibrant and beautiful. Seabirds, boats, wind, salt and spray.

We made it to the Bay of Islands!
Islands lit by the afternoon light

The promised rest, bed, nice meal and beautiful scenery all came to fruition! Tomorrow, there will be planning, washing and resupplying. As well as a trip to the Waitangi Treaty Grounds to learn more about the incredible Maori culture. I’m looking forward to it immensely!

Night lights of Paihia

One thought on “Te Araroa Day 12: Kerikeri to Paihia, 25km (243km)”

  1. Enjoy the Bay of Islands after all that wet greenery! Doing the washing and EXTRA drying must be high on the agenda! As will some lovely hot chips!! xx

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