Te Araroa Day 14: Paihia to Orongo Bay Holiday Park, 11km (250km)

Don’t be fooled by that 11km and think we had a nice easy day…we had a SUPER easy day!! Half of what you see is the ferry ride across to Russell! It was a very civilised way of getting back onto the trail following a day of cultural immersion, haircuts and washing. A top notch rest day.

It was an extremely misty morning, drenching rain having poured all night. Chairs were strewn across the lawn. A forlorn looking hedgehog was pathetically paddling, stuck in the pool.

First stop of the day was the ferry terminal in Paihia. Owing to track closures, hikers have three choices at this point for continuing the trail. A coastal walk followed by a short ferry ride and long walk on a busy road; kayaking 18km followed by a short walk on a busy road; or, a longer ferry ride followed by long walk on a moderately busy road. We chose the third option. So, onto the ferry bound for Russell we go

Ferry bound for Russell

It was a lovely way to start the day. Tang of sea salt on the lips and spray in the hair. Misty rain pattering down the clear plastic windows. We chugged past a number of little, uninhabited islands before docking at the picturesque Russell pier.

Uninhabited island
Happy on the boat
The mysterious Bay of Islands looking even more mysterious in the mist

We slowly walked through town, taking time to examine the old houses and architecture. Russell was once the capital of New Zealand, and there are a number of old colonial buildings remaining in the town. Yesterday we learnt that Norfolk Pines were used to mark important buildings and areas. A connection to home in this important place.

Although short (very short!), it was an interesting walk through green bushland and swampy mangroves.

Aubs hitting the track
Very wet stream to cross
Mangrove boardwalk

We arrived at our destination right on lunchtime and were told to just find a spot. The ground was absolutely sopping wet from the nights heavy rainfall. We were later told that many roads were closed, forcing visitors, including a school group, back to the campground. There wasn’t a cabin to spare!!

View from the caravan park

The best surprise of the day came in the form of a little caravan parked out the front, selling a range of Thai food. Absolutely delicious!! Crunchy spring rolls with a filling of vermicelli and mushroom. Wraps, bursting to brim, with sweet and sour goodness. So good we decided immediately that we would be visiting the caravan again for dinner….be damned with all the food we are carrying!! This was too good to miss!

There are Kiwi here apparently. And I have it in mind to head out with my torch tonight and have a look for one of these elusive little birds. If successful, that would definitely be the best surprise of all!!

3 thoughts on “Te Araroa Day 14: Paihia to Orongo Bay Holiday Park, 11km (250km)”

  1. Just caught up on several of your blog posts – last I checked your site was unavailable (must have been temporary)!! Here’s hoping you get a bit more sun, but glad to see it hasn’t dampened your spirits. Keep adventuring!! Love to you both xx

  2. Glad you got to enjoy that ferry ride and Russell itself! Thai food seems to be a staple in North Island xx

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