Te Araroa Day 3 – Maunganui Bluff to Hukatere Lodge, 31.24km (69.6km)

Well the title really says it all doesn’t it? 70 clicks by the end of the third day. It really is a brutal start.

We decided to push off early this morning. Try and get a few clicks under our belts before it began to heat up. First out of camp!! Gold stars to us!

Early morning risers back on the beach

And it was a good decision too. The sea had deposited a mysterious mist over the land. It was like walking into an infinite void, where one could be swallowed up whole and disappear forever.

Like being in another world
The beach was eerie in the morning light

The first 15km passed reasonably quickly, despite our various ailments. The last 15 though….pretty hellish. Is it crazy that something as beautiful as the ocean can get monotonous after a while? There came a point where I longed for a change in scenery, just to change the focus and interest.

I had a musing thought that whilst brutal, the designers of the trail might have done this on purpose….forced the walkers to face themselves and the challenge straight up. That they had set it up so there was nothing to do but let your thoughts drift like an endless current, pushing you further and further from the comforts of home.

Although it was tough, we laughed a lot, put on some tunes, and said the word ‘inlet’ countless times….without any other features we used them as distance markers. It felt an amazing achievement to make it to camp, after two very long days of hiking.

A nice hot shower, cool drink and dinner overlooking the sunset had me feeling right as rain again. Though definitely looking forward to a couple of shorter days and then some much deserved rest!

Gorgeous sunset over the sea

Broken gear count -1 (My little keyboard I usually use to type my blogs with…this is all coming directly from my phone, so no guarantees of future quality!)

Number of times tape has been used so far – 2 (Aubs tent and my feet)

2 thoughts on “Te Araroa Day 3 – Maunganui Bluff to Hukatere Lodge, 31.24km (69.6km)”

  1. Loving the photos of 2 happy, if tired and wet, campers! Hope you replace your keyboard to ensure your usual quality blog entries!!

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