Te Araroa Day 5: Ngapae to Ahipara, 16km (101.1km)

Despite the unsettling night, we were both in good spirits when we got up. Our first town day!! And a rest day tomorrow! And beds and showers and lights, my my.

Happy to have made it through the night unscathed

We’ve got lush accommodation lined up (well, cabins anyway), a short distance, the wind at our back, and a cafe lunch in front. Time to kick it.

We resolved to try and get all the way into Ahipara as a bit of a test / training venture for the day. And we did it!! It was perfect walking conditions. Early morning sun, azure blue waves, no folks around, and a gentle breeze pushing us along.

Norfolk Pines have been all along the coast. This one I had been using as a distance marker.

The whole time I’ve been on 90 mile beach I’ve been thinking of my mum. Pippy shells, all the colours of the rainbow, have littered the shoreline. At the low tide, thousands of sand puffs can be observed, as the pippys push their way to the surface. The birds break them open with their specialised beaks and prize out the molluscs inside. Predated shells are scattered like confetti.

Pippy shells are a conduit to my childhood memories. My mum’s nickname is “Pippy” and the sound of the shells snapping and cracking and crunching underfoot is so ingrained and comforting and treasured. I will always love the colour, texture and sound of those shells.

The look of comfort

We made it into the small coastal village by 11am. Quickly settled into our cabins, before venturing to the North Drift cafe for a luncheon feast. Two ice cold, fizzy drinks, toasted sandwich and chips, and an apple and custard muffin for me. Thank you very much!!

Aubs investigating a marae / totem on the way into town
Ahipara in the distance, with the wind urging us on

Rest day tomorrow. The end of 90 mile beach spells the end of the first chapter and the beginning of a new. Time for some planning, organisation, rest and food. Next up, we’ll be into the mountains!

Planning central for tomorrow

2 thoughts on “Te Araroa Day 5: Ngapae to Ahipara, 16km (101.1km)”

  1. From the original Pippy to the REAL pippies….. I am so loving the joy that you are finding in this first foray into partner trekking! Enjoy your rest day and planning xx

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