Te Araroa Day 8: Broadwood to Mangamuka 23km (160km)

The second part to the Plan B alternate…a full day of roadwalking, before rejoining the trail in the small village of Mangamuka. Fun?

Despite a dewy morning, the clear skies promised another warm day.  The night had been rather disrupted, with party goers, free roaming possums and fireworks all competing to drain me of sleep. It was definitely a dozy start to the day.  Despite this, we were all packed up and ready to make tracks by 7.30am.

This would prove to be a good decision, both in terms of avoiding the blistering sun, and getting out and about before the majority of cars started rushing past.  There was little road verge most of the day, so squeezing up to the side of the road when a particularly large vehicle passed, became the norm.

Although the road walk was hot, sticky, and potentially dangerous, it really was rather interesting.  And nice and flat.  That was a great bonus as well!

The morning consisted of cruising up a valley, lush green paddocks on either side.  We spotted plenty of big, fat turkeys, cows, sheep and babbling brooks.

Aubs keeps to the verge
Valley views

The second half, though hotter and busier on the road, was more interesting.  A large brackish creek wound its way next to our road, supporting unexpected mangroves and swampland. 

Roadside dining
Inland mangroves
This brackish river appeared like a mirage. Too muddy to attempt a swim though

We arrived at the Mangamuka radio station, formerly Red Lion Pub, around 1.30pm.  Our hopes of the Dairy being open with the opportunity to ravish our thirst with cool drinks, was quickly dashed.  Back to the pub with no beer.  And lots of cats.  One in particular is very white and demanding when it comes to food and attention….reminds me of a little dog I know…And miss terribly.

So we have rejoined the trail.  Tomorrow we will be getting off the main road and heading bush again. Hallelujah!

No match for the Brontesaurus!!

One thought on “Te Araroa Day 8: Broadwood to Mangamuka 23km (160km)”

  1. Glad you found interesting things on that necessary, but unappealing, section! And yes, the cat’s no match for Bronts, who was given a bag of cooked rump steak pieces from John before they left!

    Looking forward to tomorrow’s report! xx

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