The pathway East…interrupted

A Heysen Trail story

The big news of the day is that the glimmer of hope has become just a little bit brighter.  Another soloist.  Another person who has done the right thing.  Another person I am supremely grateful to.

It’s an extreme weather day in Adelaide. Trees have been uprooted, hail has fallen and many people are without power. Selfishly, I look out the window and think of the brimming water tanks out on the trail…

Still, I don my rain gear and get out there. I have the path east to explore. It doesn’t last long. I get to the 2.5km mark and it starts to really bluster down. I decide to call it quits – no point getting sick from a cold at this stage!

View at the 2.5km mark

Many long distance hikers carry what they call “a luxury item”. This is something that doesn’t really make sense to carry, but can add to the overall enjoyment of the trip. Think a tiny, little pillow.

I actually carry quite a number of luxury items. My Kindle for one. Can’t live without that. Another item I have on this trip is a little board game called “Gate”. I am definitely glad of it this afternoon. I battle creatures from the deep, whilst the rain pelts down. Only a couple more days until decisions will be made…..

Battle at the Gate